
2022-10-07 19:29发布

1楼 · 2022-10-07 19:29.采纳回答








1.A)It ran for as long as some thirty years.

2.D)Drinking water instead of beverages with added sugar.

3.B.He found 2 17th-century oil paintings.

4.A.They are originals.

5.D Save her sick grandmother.(视听一致)


6)C She has to face a criminal charge(视听一致)

7)A She suffered from the effects of severe cold.


8)B She comes from the city of Cape Town.

9)A It has a flat surface at the top.

10)C She has British ancestors.


11)D It is more popular than football.

12)C Prepare a study guide.

13)B His study folder is badly disorganized.

14)D An emotional learner.

15)C Arrange them using color and pictures.


16)B It is a moral principle to guide people's


17)A It may sometimes produce undesirable


18)A The golden rule must sometimes give way to

more important principles.(同替)

19)C.They have not seen as much diversity as desired.

20)B.People's attitudes towards diversity at the workplace.


21)D.People prefer to work with team members similar to themselves.

22)D Changing one's form of communication from time to time.

23)A They are regarded as seriously binding.

24)D It places a high value on written contracts.

25)C Its terms may not be strictly binding.



26 M second

27.A acknowledge

28.F differ

29.D counterparts

30.K particular

31.N sources

32.H extracted

33.J necessarily

34.E defined

35.C contains


36.C Fraudsters often steal villa-booking information from authentic

holiday websites.

37.H Fraudsters keep changing their bank accounts to avoid being tracked

38.E It is suggested that people not going on the holiday might help detect website frauds.

39.A More and more British holidaymakers find the seaside villas they booked online actually nonexistent.

40.K By checking an agent's name online before booking a villa holiday makers can avoid falling into traps.

41. K F At the end of an interview, a job applicant should seize the opportunity to get answers to their urgent quesions.

42.G Holidaymakers have been alerted to the frequent occurrence of online villa-booking frauds.

43.I It is holidaymakers that can protect themselves from falling victim to frauds.

44.E Holidaymakers are advised not to make payments by bank transfer.

45.D Fraudsters advertise their villas at reasonable prices so as not to be suspected.


46A)Most employees think positively of it.

47 B)It does much harm to employee loyalty.

48 C)It has much to do with whom employees interact with.

49 B)Most of them explored new job opportunities.

50 C)Acknowledge employees achievements through social mediangirobeo anibadant

51 B)Shrinking financial resources.

52 D)Cultivating relationships with peers and teachers.

53 A)You may have potential disadvantage.

54 D)Prepare students to be competitive in the future

55 A)It lacks humanity.



26 C chew

27.G dental

28.F defense

29.0 underneath

30.E continue

31.A adult

32.L replace

33.D contains

34.N triggered

35.B associated


36.G Clues about the culture of a company can be found on its website

37.D It can be difficult to know the real situation in a company until you become part of it

38.M It is impossible for a job applicant to have every expectation met.

39.A Simply by reading its description the author found the job offered ideal.

40.F Job applicants are advised to make a written list of their the opportunity to get answers to their urgent questions.

42.E To begin with,job applicants should be clear what they expect from their future employer

43.I Job applicants should read with a critical eye what is written about a company on the website

44.C Job satisfaction has a lot to do with company culture.

45.J A chat with an insider of a company can give job applicants very useful information when they prepare for an interview.



B) They are unmotivated to learn.

A)They are made convenient to mark.

D)They provide little chance for students to build relationships with each other.

C)Some students may have difficulty attending them.

D)Cultivation of analytical thinking ability


A)Help the public to better understand science

B)It might breed public distrust in modern medicine.

C)Debates about science are accessible to the public anyway

B)Embrace it with open arms.

C)It is a dynamic and self-improving process.


Translation 3(30minutes)

Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English.You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.


Once upon a time,there was a man who had a flock of sheep.One morning he was about to go out to herd the sheep when he noticed that one was missing.He looked closely and saw a hole in the sheepfold.Apparently,a wolf had gotten into the sheepfold during the night and taken the sheep.The neighbour advised him to fix the sheepfold,but he didn't listen. The next day,he found that the wolf had taken another sheep through the hole.Remembering his neighbor's words,he quickly closed the hole and repaired the sheepfold.After that,his sheep were never taken by wolves again. The story tells us that remedying problems in time can prevent further losses.



Part I Writing(30 minutes)


Directions:Suppose you are going to write a proposal to your school clinic

for improving its service.You are to write about its current problems and

possible solutions to these problems.You will have 30 minutes to write the

proposal.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.







Along with the development of society,more and more problems are brought to our attention,one of the most serious problems is the school health system.【现象/问题描述功能段】More students are suffering from mental illness which appeals to the reflection on school clinic.

A number of factors might contribute to the phenomenon.【分析原因功能段总原因的偶述】One of the most common factor is【分析原因功能句】the insufficient attention paid to mental health problem.A considerable number of emphasis usually focus on disease prevention and contagion,which are heavily weighted in favor of physical illness:however,mental problems are

overlooked regarding the more obvious physical sickness.Another contributing cause is【分析原因功能句】the reduced budgets and shortages of physicians and nurses distributed to the school health system.A close examination reveals that nurses in school clinics reportedly performed a

narrow range of services than in public clinics.Thus,students' health cannot be fully taken care of,and professional medical resources cannot be well-matched.

In view of the seriousness of the problem above mentioned,effective measures should be taken.First and foremost,the government should move more public budgets to school clinics.What's more,people should value and pay prompt attention to teenagers' mental problems.After all,it is necessary to create a healthy and harmonious environment for the young


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